Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system. Find out more about how we work.
If you need food and are unable to afford it, and live in the Helston & The Lizard area, then we can issue food upon presentation of a foodbank voucher from one of our voucher referral agencies.
Our voucher referral agencies include the ‘Help Through Hardship’ helpline, Citizens Advice, Christians Against Poverty, church ministers, local GP health centres, health visitors, schools, social services, housing agencies, and other equivalent professions.
Please contact the agency most relevant to support you.
If you require further information or assistance please contact us during our foodbank opening times.
Phone: 01326 564194
Email: [email protected]
Please note that we do not have the capacity to check messages every day. For similar reasons, please refrain from using instant messenger to contact us.
Local Support Resources
• Citizens Advice. Advice for benefits, debt and / or housing.
Tel. 0800 144 8848 | Text ADVICE to 78866 | www.citizensadvicecornwall.org.uk
• First Light. Domestic abuse and sexual violence support.
Tel. 0300 777 4777 | www.firstlight.org.uk
• Children’s Early Help Services. Family and parenting support.
Tel. 01872 322 277 | www.cornwall.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/childrens-services/early-help
• Christians Against Poverty. Free debt counselling.
Tel: 0800 328 0006 | www.capuk.org
• Community Energy Plus. Free home energy advice and support.
Tel. 0800 954 1956 | www.cep.org.uk | Email. [email protected]
• Cornwall Housing. Help with housing.
Tel. 0300 1234 161 | www.cornwallhousing.org.uk
• MIND Cornwall. Mental health support.
Tel. 0108 892 855 | Text 86463 | www.cornwallmind.org.uk
• Samaritans. Somebody to listen, without judgement or pressure.
Tel. 116 123 (free from any phone) | www.samaritans.org
• We are With You. Support to people struggling with drugs, alcohol or mental health.
Tel. 01872 263 001 | www.wearewithyou.org.uk
Our foodbank relies on your goodwill and support.
Thank you to those who donate to the Helston & The Lizard foodbank.
Anybody wishing to make food donations, please use our collection points at the local supermarkets below.
• Helston Tesco, Clodgey Ln, Helston TR13 8PJ
• Helston Sainsburys. Clodgey Lane, Helston, TR13 8BN
• Lidl, Penzance Road, Helston, TR13 0SF
• Poundstretcher, 31/33, Coinagehall St, Helston, TR13 8ER
• Ruan Minor Post Office &Store, Ruan Minor, TR12 7JL
• Co-op, Nansmellyon Rd, Mullion, TR12 7DQ
If you wish to make a food donation but not able to travel, then please contact us during foodbank opening times.
Phone: 01326 564194
Email: [email protected]
Thank you for your support.
Foodbank Opening Times
Food can be collected upon presentation of a voucher at the foodbank:
• 14 Wendron Street, Helston, TR13 8PS - open 10am to 2pm Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; or
• Mullion Methodist Church between 10am and 12noon on Fridays.
Please note that our foodbank is closed on bank holidays.
If you have a foodbank voucher, but are not able to travel to the foodbank at this time, please contact us during foodbank opening times to discuss.
Phone: 01326 564194
Email: [email protected]